Preheat oven to 350°.
Prepare sauce.
In a small saucepan, combine:
1 ½ cups sugar
1 T. flour
¼ tsp. cinnamon, rounded
¼ tsp. salt
Gradually mix in:
1 ½ cup water
1/3 cup butter
Bring to a boil over high heat and cook 1 minute. Add and let cool:
1 tsp. vanilla
Prepare dough.
In a medium mixing bowl or food processor bowl combine:
2 cups flour
2 T. sugar
2 T. baking powder
¼ tsp. salt
Cut in or process in until mixture resembles small corn niblets:
2 ½ T. cold butter
Add and mix quickly—be careful to not overmix:
½ to ¾ cup milk
Gather dough into a ball and roll out on a floured board or cloth into a 12X10 inch rectangle.
Spread dough with 2 T. soft butter and arrange on top:
2 cups finely chopped fresh or frozen rhubarb
Dust liberally with cinnamon and sprinkle with ½ cup sugar.
Roll up from long side of dough and place on cutting board with seam down. With a sharp knife, cut into 12 slices. Arrange cut side up on an oiled 9X13 glass baking dish. Pour cooled sauce over the top of the dumplings.
Bake for 35 minutes, until dumplings are puffy and golden brown. Serve with heavy cream.
Note: If using frozen rhubarb, do not thaw first.