Easy Roquefort Pinwheels
1 sheet frozen puff pastry (half a 17.25 oz. pkg) thawed
4 ounces Roquefort blue cheese
1 large egg, lightly beaten with 1 tsp. cold water
Preheat oven to 400 degrees.Butter an 8 or 9 inch baking pan. Open the sheet of puff pastry and flatten with a rolling pin. Crumble the blue cheese on the sheet, leaving a good inch-wide border all around. Roll up the pastry the long way; cut into 12 or 14 1/2 inch thick slices with a sharp knife. Place the rounds in the prepared dish; brush with the egg-wash. Bake until puffed up and golden brown 10-15 minutes (usually longer). Good hot, warm or room temp. Can be done with your eyes closed and one arm in a sling.
Probably should double the recipe.